Booking Confirmation
Your booking confirmation is generated by your dedicated booking advisor.
Enter your unique Booking ID to view the details of your booking.
How to book a room or suite
Our secure 3-step booking procedure with personal support by your dedicated booking advisor.
- 1. Room Selection Please choose your desired room type on your prefered travel dates, select any extra options available and add the room to your personal room selection. You may add multiple rooms to your selection, if required.
- 2. Booking Request When you are ready, just send us your selection as a booking request, using the corresponding form. The booking request is absolutely non-binding. You will not be charged and you can cancel your booking request any time. Our dedicated team will get back to you to answer all questions or queries you may have, to confirm the current room availability and, if required, to assist you find the best available flights to Crete. We will also take care of your transfer from the airport to the hotel and back. Our personal support will be provided in writing by e-mail or in a follow up phone call, if you wish so.
- 3. Booking Confirmation To complete your booking, we kindly ask for a deposit of 20% of the total room rate. The balance can be settled upon arrival at the hotel. You can cancel free of charge (with deposit refund) at any time up to 15 days before arrival or alter your booking depending on availability.